
Marius Jung

Marius Jung

Marius Jung


Marius Jung, in his own words: “He is a classic child of the occupation. Early on he took to the stage. As expected with his skin colour, every year in December he played Balthasar, the black magi of the Three Kings, and also he could sing – so because there were no cotton fields near his hometown, he had time to participate in the local choir. As a teenager, he devoted himself intensively to theatre, noticing that the choice of roles offered to black actors was clear. Usually the choices weren’t much of a choice at all: dealer, dealer, or dealer. Nevertheless, he made theatre his profession. To express all his talents, he went into the cabaret, because putting on your own show

means you can play or sing any role you write for yourself.” In addition to numerous theatrical and television appearances, he has “confronted his own story and the coexistence of different cultures” and written a book, Singen können die alle! – Handbuch für Negerfreunde (They can all sing! – A handbook for friends of negroes), whose title sparked some debate. He responded with the book Moral für Dumme (Morals for Dummies), on “the sordid affliction of political correctness”.


podiumsdiskussion / panel discussion / table ronde : Guest

Lesung: Marius Jung : Guest