Yahia Zaidi

Yahia Zaidi
Since 2003, Yahia Zaidi has been involved with HIV/AIDS prevention amongst homosexuals in Algeria, referred to as MSM initiatives (for “men who have sex with men”). He is in charge of a nationwide HIV/AIDS educational project and collaborates not just with the national “Aids Algérie” committee, but also with numerous ministries, including those responsible for religious issues, education, and the military. As the first openly homosexual representative for MSM in Algeria, he supports actions of the local LGBTI group “Abu Nawas”, which acts to enable all people to enjoy the basic human right of living a life of dignity, regardless of their sexual orientation. For several years, he has also been active outside of Algeria. He is the co-founder of “MantiQitna”, a network for LGBTI activists in the Middle East and North Africa, and he has taken on leadership roles in the ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association) and its African section, the “Pan Africa ILGA”.
Two Men and a wedding (2012): Guest
Queer Africa III : Guest