
Teresa Prata


Teresa Prata


Teresa Prata was born in Portugal and spent her childhood in Mozambique, before her family moved to Brazil. She graduated from the Coimbra University in Portugal with a degree in biology, and subsequently discovered her passion for the arts and joined the Portuguese theatre group CITAC. There she worked on many experimental videos, such as “Canto teogónico”, which received an honourable mention at the Figueira da Foz international film festival. She set up and worked as a presenter for the “Manifesto Arte” university radio station. In 1999 her film “Totensang” won the Best Cinematography Award at the “Festival del Cine Experimental de Madrid”. Teresa Prata studied scriptwriting and film direction at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin. “Terra Sonâmbula” (Sleepwalking Land) is her first full-length feature film. Teresa Prata currently lives and works in Berlin.


Terra Sonâmbula (2007): Screenplay, Direction