
Barbara Santos

Barbara Santos

Barbara Santos


Actress, theatre director, writer and researcher, Bárbara Santos is artistic director of KURINGA - space for Theatre of the Oppressed in Berlin - and founder of the Ma(g)dalena International – Feminist Theatre Network composed by groups from Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. She is member of ITI-Germany (German Centre of the International Theatre Institute) and author of the books “Roots and Wings: a theory of the praxis” (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English), "Aesthetic Paths: sound, word, image" (Portuguese) and Feminist Theatre of the Oppressed (Portuguese).  She has developed innovative lines of aesthetic investigation focused on gender as a social construction and race as a social organization through a feminist perspective. She acting Filomena in “The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão”, a film from Karim Aïnouz, grand prix at Uncertain Regard - Cannes Festival 2019 and indicated by the Brazilian Film Academy for the Best Foreign Language Film - Oscar 2020.


SAMBA DE FASCISMO - Brasilien auf dem Weg in die Diktatur? : Guest