
Joel Zito Araújo

Joel Zito Araújo


Director, screenwriter and producer Araújo is known for spotlighting Brazil’s Afro-Brazilian population. His work includes the book and film A NEGAÇÃO DO BRASIL (2000), winner of the É Tudo Verdade festival; the feature film AS FILHAS DO VENTO (2005), winner of the Tiradentes festival and the Cinema de Gramado festival; and the internationally acclaimed documentaries CINDERELAS, LOBOS E UM PRÍNCIPE ENCANTADO (2009), RAÇA (2013) and MEU AMIGO FELA (2019). RAÇA and MEU AMIGO FELA were screened at the Afrika Film Festival. His latest film, O PAI DA RITA, premiered at the 2021 São Paulo International Film Festival.


MEU AMIGO FELA (2019): Direction

MEU AMIGO FELA (2019): Direction

RAÇA (2012): Direction

O PAI DA RITA (RITA’S FATHER) (2021): Direction