Movie-Database: Movies
Lesung: Marius Jung

Name: Lesung: Marius Jung
Guest: Jung, Marius
Cologne comedian and author Marius Jung states on his website: “In 2013, my first work hit bookstores. Whereas other publishers exiled Negroes from their books and exchanged against politically uncontroversial knife throwers and South Sea inhabitants, I decided to put the N-word directly on the cover of my debut book. Singen können die alle! – Handbuch für Negerfreunde (They can all sing! – A handbook for friends of negroes) is a sweeping satirical blow against everyday racists and uptight do-gooders who, out of political correctness, hardly open their mouths in the presence of a black German like me.” Although Marius Jung denounces racist thinking and acting
from the first pages of his book, some critics actually accused him of racism. He responded with his second book Moral für Dumme (Morals for Dummies): “It’s undeniable. Those who tout political correctness mean well. But all too often they have the opposite effect: frustration, annoyance, and self-consciousness in dealing with people, because no one knows what you’re ‘allowed’ to say. What started out as consideration for others has now become a thoughtless bureaucratic instrument, with which sectarians, fanatics and fools excuse absurd rules for language
and behaviour. One of the many results of this is an Orwellian degeneration of the language.”