Movie-Database: Movies
A tropical Sunday

Name: A tropical Sunday
Country: Mosambik
Year of publication: 2013
Format: Digital
Color: color
Language : OF m. engl. UT
Duration: 15 Minuten
Direction: Ribezzo, Fabián
Camera: Forjaz, Pipas
Editing: Zanasi, Dario; Ribezzo, Fabián
Sound: Pickl, Roland
Actor: Chissano, Odette; Goca, Batista; Machava, Fabiao; Zimila, Zé
It is a Sunday afternoon – the Feira Popular is coming to life. Gito, Babu, Nuno and Lisa live on the streets but today is Sunday and they too are at the Feira. They weave their way in between the rides, scouring their surroundings for that elusive opportunity: today they will take their chance to jump on a ride, and feel like children again.